Bug Collecting at Ekre Grassland Preserve
Today the Buzz Lab interns and leaders ventured out to the Albert Ekre Grassland Preserve. Brooke Karasch, a graduate student in Range Science at NDSU, lead the session. Karasch presented on filed techniques for insect and other data collecting.

These four techniques- such as sweep netting, floral visitor surveys, and visual encounter surveys- were practiced by the interns out in a section of the grasslands. Pictured below you can s intern practicing her sweep netting! During this time interns were on the look out for pollinators. Someone managed to capture a brown butterfly before it fluttered away! Among the grasslands, beautiful prairie roses were blooming in varying shades of pink and white.

Afterwards Brooke led the group to another section of the preserve. Interns were split into pairs and got to hypothesize their own scientific questions. The scientific method was in full swing as interns explored the local flora and pollinators in this section of preserve!

After an educational and fun day, interns spent a few moments sharing their questions, methods, and results in a shaded part of the preserve. Interns were encouraged to analyze their results and gauge their success or less successful aspects of their research process. Interns Cal and Laura (pictured) were interested in the dragonflies that kept the group company while on the preserve.
Buzz Lab would like to thank Brooke Karasch, NDSU, and the Ekre Grassland Preserve for such a wonderful session. Thank you!